Here is a link to the Come Follow Me lesson.
Below are links to posts covering Mosiah 11-17 with additional thoughts and insights.
Some of the posts are about Abinadi and his sermon in general, and would cover several or all the chapters: See here, here and here.
Other posts are more specifically related to a chapter
Mosiah 11: Notes on rest and spacious buildings
Mosiah 12: Intertextual Connections to Alma the Younger, the significance of east, etc
Mosiah 13: Hard hearts leading to lack of understanding, Redeemer - kinsman, "Redeem his people" and doctrinal mentors, etc
Mosiah 14: Quoting Isaiah 53, no additional posts
Mosiah 15: Psalms in the Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ as firstfruits, Past, present, future, "gathering" of spirit and flesh, and lots of other posts linked to this chapter
Mosiah 16: "Nations, kindrens, tongues and people", Devilish details, etc
Mosiah 17: Two examples of internal consistency here and here
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We're excited to announce that this blog has a new home at WordPress. Use this link to get there. New projects, content, and feature...
I'm still thinking about the concept of skin color in the Book of Mormon, in light of the association between dark skin, filthiness, and...
Lord Wilmore posted: History shows Josiah's death in 609 BC and other sons reigning before Zedekiah (who was only 8 when his father d...