Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Come, Follow Me, Aug 17 - Aug 23. Helaman 1-6: “The Rock of Our Redeemer”

Here is the link to this week's Come, Follow Me lesson.

Below are links to previous blog posts covering Helaman 1-6.

Helaman 1 - Nephite splinter groups and Book of Mormon wars

Helaman 2 - Internal consistency regarding things to come

Helaman 3 - Calling upon the name of God, "cunning", Devilish details, etc.

Helaman 4 - (No other posts than the one listed under Helaman 1)

Helaman 5 - A deep dive into Helaman 5 part 1 and part 2, Clouds in the Book of Mormon, Redeemer - kinsman, etc.

Helaman 6 - References to Psalms, chiasmus, "our first parents"

ANNOUNCEMENT - new hosting service for BookofMormonNotes.com

We're excited to announce that this blog has a new home at WordPress.  Use  this link  to get there.  New projects, content, and feature...