Thursday, April 23, 2020

Alma 32 and Psalm 119

In studying about covenant metaphors in Alma 32, I came across a very interesting passage from Psalm 119, which I'll quote below from the Expanded Bible. This version of the Bible puts alternate translations in brackets. If the phrase in brackets starts with a superscript "L," this means the brackets are giving a literal translation of the Hebrew. Pay particular attention to the literal Hebrew as you read the passage below:

25 ·I am about to die [L My soul clings to the dust].
    Give me life, as you have promised.
26 I ·told you about my life [L recounted my way], and you answered me.
    Teach me your ·demands [statutes; ordinances; requirements].
27 Help me understand your ·orders [L the way of your precepts].
    Then I will ·think [meditate] about your ·miracles [wonders].
28 ·I am sad and tired [L My soul is weary/melts with sorrow affliction].
    Make me ·strong [L rise up] again as you have promised.
29 ·Don’t let me be dishonest [L Turn me away from a false way];
    ·have mercy on me by helping me obey your teachings [graciously teach me your instructions/laws].
30 I have chosen the way of ·truth [faithfulness];
    I have ·obeyed [placed before me] your ·laws [judgments].
31 I ·hold on [cling] to your ·rules [decrees; testimonies].
    Lord, do not let me be ·disgraced [shamed].
32 I will ·quickly obey [L run the way of] your commands,
    because you have ·made me happy [L enlarged my heart/mind].
33 Lord, teach me ·your demands [L the way of your demands/statutes/ordinances/requirements],
    and I will ·keep [observe] them until the end.
34 Help me understand, so I can ·keep [protect] your ·teachings [instructions; laws],
    ·obeying [guarding] them with all my heart.
35 Lead me in the path of your commands,
    because ·that makes me happy [L I take pleasure in them]. (Psalm 119, Expanded Bible)

This passage did not land on my list of Psalm language as I was studying the many examples found in the Book of Mormon, but reading it helps me understand the point Alma is making in his seed metaphor, especially verse 32 above. It seems clear that Alma and the Psalmist are talking about the same thing.

In some cases (such as verses 25, 27, 32, 33) the literal meaning of the Hebrew seems to fit Alma's language better than the English equivalent. That fact alone is interesting.  Psalm 119 also helps put this "enlarging of the heart" in the context of covenants.  Notice how the Psalmist laments that his "soul clings to the dust" and asks God to "make me rise up again as you have promised." He says, "Turn me away from a false way" and "I have chosen the way of faithfulness." Also "I cling to your decrees" and "I will run the way of your commands because you have enlarged my heart." "Lead me in the path of your commands because I take pleasure in them/they make me happy."

Can you see the connections to Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life and the path which leads to it, as opposed to the false, broad paths?  Can you see the "Two Ways" symbolism and the covenant symbolism?

Compare this language to Alma 32:

28 Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.

The "word of God" is an iron rod leading along the path to the Tree of Life, whose fruit is delicious. When the seed sprouts in the heart, it causes "swelling motions" and "enlarges" the soul, and "beginneth to be delicious to me." In this recent post, I discuss the covenant connections with the concept of "giving place" and "enlarging" the borders of Zion.  These are both terms Alma uses to describe the receptive heart.  I also discuss in that post how a part of the covenant involves "casting out" the unbelievers. This is precisely what Alma tells us not to do with the word. (He is speaking to a group of people who had been "cast out" of their place of worship.)

I've known about the connection between Alma 32 and Lehi's vision for a long time, but I'm just beginning to see the extent of connections both passages have to covenant symbols in the Old Testament.

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