I often think of what happened in the Book of Mormon, in 1 Nephi 3–4. Lehi sent his sons back to Jerusalem to get from Laban the record known as the brass plates. The record was important; the people needed it so they would not dwindle in unbelief.On their first try, Lehi’s sons left getting the records to chance. They cast lots, and Laman was selected. He went to talk to Laban, and Laban was angry and cast him out of his presence. If young people leave the study of the scriptures to chance—only what they may casually absorb in Mutual, seminary, or a Sunday School class—they will not get the deep meaning that will come from studying by themselves and with their families. You cannot leave to chance a treasure as important as knowledge of the gospel.Next Lehi’s sons tried to buy the brass plates using the things of the world. Laban sent his servants to slay them, and they escaped only by leaving their riches behind. Young people today may be tempted to seek happiness through the things of the world. Worldly ideas are presented to them all the time as they sit in front of the television or log on to the Internet. But sooner or later they will find that these ideas will not lead to the happiness they are seeking.Finally, Nephi determined that the only way to obtain the records was by faith. When he made that decision, he was led by the Spirit to know what to do, and great blessings occurred. He obtained the scriptures, and the family of Lehi could journey in the wilderness with the sacred scriptures to guide them. In the same way, if youth will act in faith, they will receive knowledge that will guide them.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
L Tom Perry's lesson from 1 Nephi 3-4
Deceased Apostle, L. Tom Perry, reflects on the following lesson from 1 Nephi 3-4 in an adress to youth that is very applicable to adults as well.
ANNOUNCEMENT - new hosting service for BookofMormonNotes.com
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In this paper by David Calabro, an interesting Egyptian wordplay is pointed out: Matthew Bowen has pointed out that the rod of iron in L...
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Lord Wilmore posted: History shows Josiah's death in 609 BC and other sons reigning before Zedekiah (who was only 8 when his father d...