Saturday, January 18, 2020

Come, Follow Me -- January 20–26. 1 Nephi 11–15: “Armed with Righteousness and the Power of God”

This week's lesson covers 1 Nephi 11-15. Click on the link to read additional notes and resources.

1 Nephi 11 -- Nephi's tree and Asherah, connections to Psalm 96, etc.

1 Nephi 12 -- Connections between Lehi's dream and the Garden of Eden, connections to the Book of Moses, etc.

1 Nephi 13 -- Nephi's prophecy on changes to the Bible, the fulness of the Gospel, etc.

1 Nephi 14 -- More connections to the Book of Moses, the Two Churches, etc.

1 Nephi 15 -- Notes about a hard heart leading to a lack of understanding, "the fulness of the Gentiles," etc.

Here is the link to the Come, Follow Me lesson.

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