Notice the 7 verses which pair these words in 2 Nephi 4:
Verse 15
15 And upon I the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass. For my soul in the scriptures, and my heart them, and writeth them for the and the profit of my children.
Verse 16
16 Behold, my delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.
Verse 17
17 Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O man that I am! Yea, my heart because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.
Verse 26
26 O then, if I have seen so great things, if the Lord in his condescension unto the children of men hath men in so much , should my weep and my soul linger in the valley of sorrow, and my flesh waste away, and my strength slacken, because of mine afflictions?
Verse 27
27 And why should I to sin, because of my flesh? Yea, why should I give way to , that the evil one have place in my heart to destroy my and afflict my soul? Why am I because of mine enemy?
Verse 28
28 Awake, my soul! No longer in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the of my soul.
Verse 30
30 Rejoice, O my , and cry unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I will praise thee forever; yea, my soul will rejoice in thee, my God, and the of my salvation.
Hat tip: Kevin Barney.