he was more astonished, because of the faithfulness [mn] of Ammon, saying: Surely [mn] there has not been any servant among all my servants that has been so faithful [mn] as this man [whose name is Ammon(=faithful?)]I think that's pretty cool
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Hebrew wordplay in Alma 18:10
The Hebrew root 'mn' is the basis for words like, "true", "sure", "faithful", "steadfast". For instance, when we say "amen" after a prayer, it's from that Hebrew root and we really say "truly". Ammon is a name in the Book of Mormon as well as in the Bible. The meaning is a bit unclear. It could be linked to this same root, but because there are two 'm's, there is some uncertainty. But in any case, we seem to be dealing with a Hebrew wordplay in Alma 18:10. This is where king Lamoni expresses admiration for Ammon.
ANNOUNCEMENT - new hosting service for BookofMormonNotes.com
We're excited to announce that this blog has a new home at WordPress. Use this link to get there. New projects, content, and feature...
In a previous post, I discussed the idea that Abinadi and Alma-1 both influenced Alma-2 concerning his doctrinal teachings. This makes a l...
We're excited to announce that this blog has a new home at WordPress. Use this link to get there. New projects, content, and feature...
I'm still thinking about the concept of skin color in the Book of Mormon, in light of the association between dark skin, filthiness, and...