This page will host another growing list of examples of what I call "outsider evidence".
I believe many faithful and critical minds hold too firmly to the idea that the Book of Mormon lands only contained Nephites and Lamanites.
In my opinion, and certainly from an archaeological/anthropological standpoint, this opinion is very hard to support. It is far more likely that Nephites and Lamanites mingled with the native peoples from the time of their arrival in the Promised Land.
In my opinion, a careful reading of the Book of Mormon offers numerous evidences supporting the idea that Nephites and Lamanites were only a minority of the many, many cultures co-existing in the land at that time.
For example:
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In this paper by David Calabro, an interesting Egyptian wordplay is pointed out: Matthew Bowen has pointed out that the rod of iron in L...
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Lord Wilmore posted: History shows Josiah's death in 609 BC and other sons reigning before Zedekiah (who was only 8 when his father d...