Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Office of the Ministry of Angels -- Overview, summary, and links to the seven-part series of posts

Here is a summary and links to 7 recent blog posts about Mormon's description of the purpose of angels in a sermon recorded in Moroni 7, coupled with numerous examples of how this same pattern is demonstrated by Mormon throughout the Book of Mormon text, as well as examples of this same pattern from the D&C and the Book of Moses.

The Pattern

  • Angels are sent.
  • They call men to repentance.
  • They "fulfill" and "do the work of the covenants" of the Father.
    • This is accomplished by declaring "the word of Christ" ...
    • ...unto "chosen vessels of the Lord."
  • The chosen vessels bear testimony of Him.
  • By so doing, God "prepareth a way" for the residue of men to have faith in Christ...
  • that the power of the Holy Ghost can have place in their hearts.

  • What I learned

    Studying this pattern has helped me see a few things more clearly:

    1. The Book of Mormon contains A LOT of internally consistent detail. Often, what seems like random information at first ends up being very specific and intentional once certain connections are made.
    2. The pattern of angels delivering the message of repentance and faith in Christ to "chosen vessels" and then instructing those vessels to spread the message to the people is literally as old as Adam and Eve.
    3. Our religion is founded on the same principles -- an angel came to Joseph Smith and restored to him the knowledge and authority which had been lost and prophesied to him that he would engage in a great work. That work continues on almost 200 years later.
    4. This sermon was included by Moroni, who was required to suddenly take over and complete his father's huge literary project after Mormon was killed in battle. Moroni at times seems unsure exactly how to accomplish this task. This sermon may have been included just because Moroni felt it was so powerful. It is very powerful for me to think of Moroni transitioning over many years from an inexperienced young man, unsure of how to accomplish the task he has been given, to a mighty angel who delivers the completed project almost 1500 years later to another young man who is unsure of how to accomplish the enormous task he has been given.
