Sunday, October 27, 2019

Another example of the narrative resuming after a long side story

In Alma 45 we read:

22 Therefore, Helaman and his brethren went forth to establish the church again in all the land, yea, in every city throughout all the land which was possessed by the people of Nephi. And it came to pass that they did appoint priests and teachers throughout all the land, over all the churches.

Immediately after this account we get a long account of the wars of the Nephites against Amalickiah, which continues into Alma 62. Once the account of the war ends, we resume right where we left off:

45 Therefore, Helaman and his brethren went forth, and did declare the word of God with much power unto the convincing of many people of their wickedness, which did cause them to repent of their sins and to be baptized unto the Lord their God.
46 And it came to pass that they did establish again the church of God, throughout all the land.